OS-82 Review


OS-82 Review

I downloaded OS-82 last night and I wasn't exactly impressed by the changes
Jason Todd made to his OShell-82.  Here are the good (and bad) points to
this "new" shell.

Good Additions/Changes:
A graphical interface using small text
No more of that switching back and forth between "OShell-82 * v2.5" and "
by Jason Todd "
Crashing the calc is very hard to do now (uses GridOn and Web)

Bad Additions/Changes:
Added a "main menu"...we like to get to our programs RIGHT AWAY.  Extra
keypresses are annoying!
There is still too much "toddlers@erinet.com", "Jason Todd", and
"Alphasoft" floating about in the program.
The windowing system (placed around the titles of the programs and the main
menu) is REALLY degrading for the shell.
The shell uses direct screen access (you can easily see the text reversing
which results in a quick flash).
The highlight bar "flashes" (see above explanation) and isn't properly
placed (the outside of the window is reversed also).
The advertisement at the BOTTOM of the shell isn't really needed (along
with the stupid looking line).
Having to go to the top of the list of programs in order to get another
list is really bothersome (a single keypress will do).
Not enough programs are listed per page.
Limited by Jason Todd's window size for a title.
Forced to have his programs on your calc when you first transfer the backup.
"Powering Down" the calc (I normally quit the shell so I can use my
linkport, do math stuff, or just shut down...I don't really care about the
"Power Down" "feature")
"All" ROM_CALLs supported...yeah, right.  Only WITH the ASH <-> OShell-82
Development Kit v1.0 are ALL the ROM_CALLs supported in OShell-82.
According to his documentation, he is right...but there are 450+ more he
can (and should) cover before I remove my special ROM_CALL2 routine (which,
in only a few bytes covers all of them).

This shell has a LOT of work that needs to be done on it before it will
have lots more good features than bad.  It has the basic concept of being
able to run programs...but all these added "features" just make it bigger,
clunkier, and decrease the value of the program.

                 Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
