Program for grades...


Program for grades...

Hi fellow ti users...

Well, I am trying to write a program that will automatically calculate my
average grade.( my programing knowledge is very small.)
I want to know how to automatically store a grade and use it for later..

ie. I get a 19/20 , 22/25 ... and then when I get my test back, and I
input the most current will display the averages of all the

I am using prompt A
and getkey...but I don't know how to save A to a "place" and clearing A
for a new grade.  I can only store 1 grade...I just want to make the
calculator keep on storing my grades everytime I input a new grade...and
giving me the average...

I get the average part but I don't know how to make the calc know what to
divide by...     ie...I have to grades..I have to divide by 2 for the
average..but what If i have 3 grades, I want the calc to know how much
grades I have inputed.

Well, thanks for helping..

LA, California