Memory problems
Memory problems
Subject: Memory problems
From: Hugh F. Tong <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 14:50:04 -0600
In-Reply-To: <>
I have a very unusual but critical and, as most TI-8x users
may agree, significant problem. The amount of memory offered you in a
TI-85 calculator is 32KB total; 28.xKB to use to store programs,
strings, vectors...ect. Since the memory chips are so small, is there
any way of increasing its size? I mean, can we e-mail the memory chip
manufacturer and order like (if each TI-85 has 4 chips of 8KB each for
its memory bank) four 64KB or 128KB chips that would fit into and
function properly in the calculator? Or can we build an external device
(not recommended because maybe the memory bank can slip out of the
socket while the calc is on, causing a memory reset...) that can handle
being used as extra memory? Maybe the last resort is to tell TI to make
new chips for us to personally plant into our calc. The last thing ever
thought of would be to tell them to build a TI-86 with 512KB memory!!
Anyways, if you could help out in this problem, it would be most
graciously accepted. Thank you!