Connecting electronic stuff.


Connecting electronic stuff.

Just a tad off topic.

I picked up a Casio ST-4400 32k Organiser and noticed the identical
(1/8"?) slot to the TI-8x's.  I know that they are not compatable to
exchange data (it was worth a try).

The PC<->Organiser package costs $119- to connect it, in a similar
fashion to the Graph Link.

Your opinion:  If I build a $5 link and tinker around with the
communication, is there any chance I might be able to get it to send the
data to my computer?  Does anyone figure that it'll be ASCII (the TI-8x
are like that) or something else?

Anyone out there:  If you have the protocols for the Casio (or even the
TI-8x) that I could take a look at, please drop me a line.

Also, do the TI cables work b/n two Organisers, even though they are not
TI?  I figure the cables don't change much b/n platforms when they look
like little stereo wires. =)


Rob Carlson         ..  Mail
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