Re: Challenge


Re: Challenge

On 29 Aug 96 at 15:10, D Kirkland wrote:

> Well, the HP48 chess program I am working on is currently
> under 5k.  And it need only 3k of free RAM to run.  It is
> also much faster then the HP48 program mentioned above.
> It plays a perfectly legal game of chess.  It includes ALL
> chess moves.  The only things missing is that it allows
> repeated positions (chess is a draw when a position repeats
> 3 times), and it allows 50+ moves without a capture or a
> pawn move.  The latter is easily fixed if I decide it is
> needed.
> As it is, the program is easily the best and fastest playing
> HP48 chess program.  But I am not yet finished.  The finished
> program will be a bit bigger (still under 10k), but most
> of the extra size will be for features (a board editor that
> will let the user create their own positions is one example).
> It currently has 4 levels that are playable (longest moves
> under 10 minutes).  I expect to improve this even more.
> So, calculator chess is very possible!
> (If you guys get assembly programming for the ti92, maybe
> I will pop over and write a near master level chess program
> for you!)

Never mind the TI-92! What about the TI-85? How hard would you reckon
it would be to translate from HP-48 to ZShell (Z80)?

Mattias Lindqvist
CS student at LTH, Sweden
