Chain letters on Newsgroups
Chain letters on Newsgroups
Subject: Chain letters on Newsgroups
From: Alex Gian <100114.3132@COMPUSERVE.COM>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 1996 15:50:59 EDT
In-Reply-To: <>
Dear calc-ti readers,
On the 1st of September Chet Johnson posted a chain-letter requesting money to
this group.
I think that this kind of behaviour on the Internet is absolutely unacceptable,
and, should it get popular, the implications are horrendous. I have already
seen this chain-letter on other sites.
I do not know whether people like Chet are motivated by hopeless naivety or
deliberate disregard for any form of self-regulation, but whichever the case may
be, I think this needs to be pointed out to them.
Accordingly, I have mailed Chet privately with the following open message,
although I suspect that his address ( may be filtering
messages out.
What is the thing to do if these cases persist? Is it Ok to stuff these peoples
mailboxes with replies until they desist?
You certainly have a nerve, posting electronic chain-letters to
and even claiming that they are not chain letters or scams...
I don't know if you were taken in by the sweet tones of the letter, and
the vision of lots
of bucks in your pocket for no effort, but if you pause to think for a
minute, you will see that
the idea is both immoral and ridiculous.
It is just chain lettering exploiting the Internet; if this idea got
popular there would be an
exponential increase in bandwidth demand, just to carry these pathetic
little begging letters.
I am sure I am not the only person that has told you this, but I
certainly hope you take notice...
What is your flame/response ratio anyway?
Bristol - UK