Re: Mathematical Program


Re: Mathematical Program

In article <01bba855$38a8e560$>, "Andrew Chen"
<> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone had written a program that would graph function
> that weren't necessarily (not sure what the word is for it, on the tip of
> my tongue...) exclusive (?).
> For example, instead of plotting, for a circle: y={1, -1} SQR(-x^2+25)
> you could plot: x^2+y^2=25
> In this way you could plot x=3 (which isn't a real function) and also
> quadratic equations without solving it for y first. In short, you could use
> both x and y variables in the function (I guess then this wouldn't be a
> function anymore then). Anyways, thanks for reading this.

I know you can do it on the HP's, but to do it on a TI, you'd have to
solve for Y, even on a 92.


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