Re: More turbo stuff
I messed with R11 and with C9 and somehow I've got the speed going at 4.85x
for graphing and 5.4x for a number counting loop. They average out to
about 5x (30MHz) but then again, ZShell running XC1701 v3 is more than 5x
the speed...
"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: More turbo stuff
: Date: November 15, 1996 9:33 AM
: Thank you much for your help with my calc, BTW. Found the traces
: and reconnected them. If you're still having probs w/yours,
: drop me a line.
: Now, the 30 MHz 85 that you saw--how'd they do that? I took out
: C9 and mine's running at about 12 right now (I think there's some
: stray capacitance in the leads to my switch which is slowing
: it down). How'd they crank it that much? Messing with R11?
: --Jon, N9RUJ
: When in danger or in doubt,
: Run in circles, scream and shout.