A92: Shells and assembler


A92: Shells and assembler

It has always been my opinion that the less interfearance with the actuall 
asembler the better.  Common "interference" also includes 'features'.  I'd be 
happy as happy gets if I could just have a FAST text-based OS, that's not 
only an assembly shell, but does everything that TI's (trashy) OS does.  This 
would be ideal.  Also, I wish people (TI and the makers of various shells) 
would get off this Idea of programs being integrated into the OS.  I hate 
that.  I'd rather they give me a DOS-like OS and give me a bunch of programs 
to go with it rather than all ti's all-in-one os.  also, I noticed that fargo 
is realatively small.  Wouldn't it be fun to program a "shell" if you didn't 
have TI's (worthless) os to worry about?  you could have 60K to work with 
instead of the usu, 5 or 6.  I think the best way to do it is not to build on 
tios, but to build from the ground up.  I've tried to make operating systems 
like this on computers, but (particularly with newer chips) assembler calls 
are soo cryptic, and tehre are so many of them (pentium II's have like 200! 
wtf?).  not to mention that if you tried to make an OS that relied on logic 
instead of math, you'd waste half the processor, because it's all devoted to 
stupid mathmatical operations like addition for example (cough worthless, but 
that's offtopic.)  Anyway (I get carried away) It's probably not *too* hard 
to make such an OS for the calculator, as it's a LOT simpler than an intel.  
not to mention that an OS devoted strictly or primarily to mathemetical 
operations (and little to graphics.  TI's OS is the WORST in this respect... 
my opn'n is: just give me text, and ditch the pretty print if it means more 
versatility and power. ).

I'm new to M68k, which is a good thing if you considre the notion of being 
new to something as being more creative.  But I would like to do it, I've 
been working on internet tutorials.  I have NO money, (and a 92, speaking of 
which, what are 92+ people doing on the 92 list?) but I have loads of time, 
but not structuredly. (I'm a student) I'll set up a web site if anybody wants 
to help me make a better OS.  (and the 92's the perfect tool) E-mail me or 
the list, I don't care.

