Re: A92: Get rid of "busy" indicator
Re: A92: Get rid of "busy" indicator
Aaron Hill wrote:
> >Raphaël HUCK wrote:
> >>
> >> How do I get rid of the busy indicator and everything in order to a
> a
> >> whole
> >> white screen ?
> >
> >I know 2 possibilities:
> > 1. Switch off all interrupts. In this case all keyboard things
> > have to be done manually by direct keyboard matrix access.
> > 2. Allocate memory, and tell the I/O, that this should be your
> > video-RAM. (The tios will continue to output busy indicator
> > &co to the normal (dummy) screen, that isn't displayed
> > any more)
> What about...
> 3. Use the ROM function, tios::ST_busy, passing it a WORD with
> the following values for the mode you wish to be in:
> 0 = idle
> 1 = busy
> 2 = paused
> (N.B. No need to change it back)
> IMHO, this is the easiest alternative.
I don't think, that this is, what Raphael expected, since it won't
make the screen completely white. The 2nd, diamond and shift status
will still be displayed. (And propably even the BATT - symbol)
David Kühling