A92: 89 screen size on 92+


A92: 89 screen size on 92+

The following code will make the 92 Plus think it has the screen size of an
89:  (The right part of the screen that the 89 doesn't use will duplicate
the left part)

move.b #$9f,($7468)
move.b #99,($746a)
move.b #$9f,($7474)
move.b #92,($7475)
move.b #$9f,($747a)
move.b #92,($747b)
move.b #$14,($7485)
move.b #$36,($600012)

The home screen doesn't draw properly with the new size, but you can run ASM
programs designed for the 89 size, as the DrawStrXY function will adapt
properly.  This will be very helpful for testing 89 asm programs on the 92.

To get it back to normal, use this code:
move.b #$ef,($7468)
move.b #127,($746a)
move.b #$ef,($7474)
move.b #120,($7475)
move.b #$ef,($747a)
move.b #120,($747b)
move.b #$1e,($7485)
move.b #$31,($600012)