Re: A92: Geometry
Re: A92: Geometry
>Yo Yo, Geometry is a cool thing!
>It may hurt your ego, but the calculator isn't developed as an assembly
>programming toy for people with too much time on their hands. It has
>other uses, you know.
>I do agree that some features could be better, a lot better, but not at
>the expense of geometry or other features. Look at it this way: the more
>features, the more people buy the calcs, the
>happier TI is, the better calcs they make...
>I mean, you'll be buying the plus module because it gives you memory, not
>because of differential equations and enhanced geometry, right? So you
>might as well say, well why do they put it
>there in the first place? Because other people use these things too!
>So, everyone, stop whining about this
Perhaps, and this is a big perhaps that should be better directed to
ticares, they should have "applications" that you can put on your 92+. Not
just programs, but if you want the DE's and not the Geometry (as I do), you
could select this before you send a new OS, and it includes what you want
and what you don't want. This is probably too time consuming for Ti to do,
with very little return, but I'm fairly sure that once these things are
released, we can plot to corrupt them ourselves in various sundry ways...