Re: A92: assembling errors
Re: A92: assembling errors
>sorry for making this thread so long, how come there is no tios.asm file? is
>that the prob? either its wanting the tios.asm file or it doesnt like the o
>file? can someone please help me here so i can start programming and make
>new problems ;)
it doesn't need a tios.asm file (and David Ellsworth hasn't released that I
don't think)
all it needs is the tios.h file. It seems to me that this must be in
That works for me, also make sure that is in your path
set path=%path%;%fargo%;%fargo%\bin;%fargo%\asm\include
that is what i use in my setup.bat file, and it works for me.
If you get errors in other libs, not just tios, then it definitely is not the
tios.o file.