
A92: New TINX2 coming soon

This version has been in production for a *very* long time, mostly due
to the 3 exams I've been taking (hopefully). And since the Plus module
seems to still be far away ;-( I thought I'd continue on it.

The new stuff is mostly outside the game, but will probably include:

 * A graphical team editor, designed as a plug-in so that it doesn't
take too much memory.
 * An options editor, in the same style as the team editor (plugin).
This'll probably mean going back to the old configuration format
(seriously, how many people like the ".ini-style" file?)
[These two may be included in the same program. The reason for making
them as plugins is that the routine for selecting a team will be inside
the main program and passed to the plugin as an adress... I need this
routine to select which teams will play. Then again, I may choose a
totally different approach, not unlike the one in TINX1 where I had
different options for worms and game]

 * Re-implement the ability to select which teams will play. Number of
teams in-play will be ranging from a minimum of one (to test your
newly-created team) to a maximum of how many teams are on the calc -
although for speed and visibility reasons you'll probably not want to
play with 12 teams. :)
 * *Maybe* make it possible to actually play, i.e. hurt someone. Still
thinking about how to show how much energy each worm has, but leaning
towards a small bar under each worm's name - what do you think?

Any suggestions/comments are welcome!
