
Re: A92: FAQ on 92+ (et al)...

Just some comments...

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 10:24:39 -0600 sprestridge@ti.com writes:
>Questions and Suggestions for TI's newest products.
>Q: Will the interaction between the new RAM and the existing RAM 
>   remain invisible to the user?  How seamless will the interaction
>   between the two  RAM components be; i.e., will each  component
>   remain and operate independent of the other?
>A: Yes, RAM interaction is invisible to the user, and seamless.
>Q: Will the user be able to backup, via the graphlink, the User Data
>   Archive?   Will the user be able to send directly to the User Data
>   Archive via the graphlink?
>A: Yes, the user can backup the user data archive with Graph Link.  
>   The user can send the whole backup (not image) to RAM and
>   ROM from Graph Link; however, individual files cannot be sent
>   directly to ROM from the Graph Link. Send to RAM, then move to
>   ROM.
These two answers seem to contradict each other.  It's invisible
to us, but we have to copy from the RAM To the ROM???

>Q: Will users have the ability to manipulate the Flash ROM by creating 
>   ROMs and sending them to the calculator via the TI-graphlink?  Will
>   TI offer support and documentation on doing this?
>A: No, the user will not have the ability to manipulate the Flash ROM 
>   by creating ROMs and sending them to the calculator via Graph Link.
>   Therefore, TI will not provide support and documentation for doing
TI didn't provide support and documentation for ASM programming on
the 92 either... :)

>S: Since ROM updates could easily be "pirated", and because those 
>   users who purchase the Plus Module are entitled to the TI's support
>   of the module, all ROM updates should be available for free download
>   off of TI's web page.
>R: The ROM updates are protected to prevent piracy.
I'm sure it's possible to crack, however, the people capable of cracking
it probably have the calculators anyway, so it would defeat the purpose.

>S: TI should enable text documents created in the TI-92 text editor to 
>   be saved, sent, and retrieved as *.txt files, so that they can be
>   manipulated on the computer.  This will dramatically increase the
>   potential of the TI-92, and allow the calculator to surpass certain
>   palmtop computers in functionality.
>R: We are also considering this suggestion.
All I can say is Amen to that, it would also be nice to have true word
wrap in the Text editor.

>Shawn A. Prestridge
>Texas Instruments, Inc.
>Educational & Productivity Solutions
>7800 Banner Drive MS 3908
>Dallas, Texas 75251
>(972) 917-1698
>(972) 917-7103  FAX
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     Daniel Plaisted

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