
RE:A92: A Usgard for TI-92

>>Has anyone tried to make a Usgard like shell for the TI-92?  Just curious.
>> Greg Stotts
>> MrBean0904@aol.com
>> http://members.aol.com/mrbean0904

>What do you mean, an Usgard-like shell?  Personally, I like the FBrowser
>just fine.  Usgard is basically the same as any other 85 shell; ZShell,
>Rigel, PhatOS, et al, except for the programming is a little different.

If you are speaking about an other browser, I made Pctools 98. The last
version add the possibility to use filters, in order to show only one type
of file !! You can also sort the files in different orders. (Name/Extension/
Size up, Size down).
The graphical interface is quite nice, with icons for folders and files.

It use external viewers to show special types of files : For PIC TI-OS 
pictures, for Fargo programs (it show the libraries needed), or for text
files with QuickView (when the 1.91 version will be released). And you
can edit in hexa decimal all the files if the program HexView is on your

And I have a lot of other ideas : files operations (rename/copy/
move...), the possibility to lock files with a password, a TSR program...
And it could also support plugins, in order to exchange files between
two calculators, or to chat with an expander...

But maybe I will change the name one day.

And if you have suggestions, don't hesitate !
