
A92: Learning 92 ASM

There are at least 2 guides on ticalc.org for learning 68K asm for the
92.  One is
written by jimmy mardell, and I believe is named 68Kasm.txt.  It is a
little technical--
at least it expects you to know another assembly language.  The other is
ASM for Dummies or something and is for people who don't know any ASM but
may have BASIC experience.  I think they're in the text/68k directory,
but I don't know

     Daniel Plaisted

On Mon, 09 Mar 1998 18:42:02 PST "Robert Caldwell" <rc_ware@hotmail.com>
>anyway...i need someone who can teach me asm in ti92, 

>Scratch Designs

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