Re: A92: Watch the TI website...
I have a feeling that it might be something different... Since the 92+
has already been announced, why couldn't he tell us that it was coming
sooner, instead of keeping something secret? I guess that we will just
have to wait and see... If it is the 92+, then great, I have been
waiting for this time to come since the announcement of it, but if it is
something different, then that is great too...
- noah zoschke (nzoschke@juno.com)
p.s. whatever it is, be sure to notify the list (like no one would
anyway :) I don't have web access right now...
On Mon, 9 Mar 1998 21:04:13 -0600 (CST) Mike Matz
<picasso@centuryinter.net> writes:
>At 1:27 PM on 3/9/98, sprestridge@ti.com wrote:
>> All,
>> Watch the TI website this weekend and next week.
>> That's all I can say right now!!
>> Shawn A. Prestridge
>I'm so excited I think I'm going to pee my pants. I can't wait until
>92+ comes out! YIPEE!!! I made my parents save me that much for a
>xmas present. :)
>(I hope I don't sound like a fool interpereting your message the wrong
>way :)
>Mike Matz
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