A92: RE : VAT
A92: RE : VAT
>Can someone e-mail me the TI92 VAT routines please?
Hello Grant,
I made such routines. If you want them, it is ok, I agree to give you the source code. But which routine do you need ?
My library will have copy/delete/move/rename for files or folders. Do you want that ? If yes, David Ellsworth told that we would have better to wait for Fargo 0.3.0, because it might crash the TI. He said :
" You see, though it may seem stable, it has the potential of crashing the calc. It does things that may manipulate and resize memory on the heap that is located below the currently running program.
I am working on Fargo 0.3.0, a major upgrade version that will have static
memory copying (for TSR support and safe heap manipulation), overlays (so
that only the minimum amount of code needs to be copied to static mem), and
built-in support for decompression."
If you want other functions, ask me. I might already have them.
>> p.c.scherrer@wanadoo.fr <<
(Sorry. I can check my mail only on wednesday and the week-end).