Re: A92: romconv problem
Re: A92: romconv problem
At 10:03 PM 9/2/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm curious, did you use the gray graphlink cable? If so, what settings
>did you use to upload the rom? I'm running fargo 1.13, on rom 1.3, and
>it won';t work. Any information is greatly appreciated!
> Jeremy Braun
Yeah, the gray graphlink cable. Use the Hyperterminal program that ships
with windows 95 (or something similar), set the baud rate to 9600 and the
port to com2 (or wherever you have your cable plugged into). Don't bother
to do any of the modem setup garbage, as long as you get connected to your
calc. Then just go up to the bar and choose capture text. It will ask you
for a text file to dump the stuff into and I find it handy to have a text
file already created before I start the hyperterminal program. After you
have the file selected just hit yes (or whatever the next command is on the
dialog box), and run the romdump2 program (ASCII version) on your calc. You
should almost immediately see ascii come up on the screen. The dump should
take about 15 min (approximately) since your speed is 9600 and you have an
entire meg to dump. From here on I can't seem to get the rest to work. Let
me know if you do.
Kevin Barnhart