Re: LF: Need to check whether just the modifier key has been pressed
Re: LF: Need to check whether just the modifier key has been pressed
I am sorry about mentioning this again, but I just checked, and it IS in
PORTS.TXT. Check "The Keyboard Matrix" section of that file and it
explains how to do it. I have never done it myself, but it is in there.
You can find out if any particular key except ON, even the separate
enter keys, has been hit. It is different from the getkey numbers. In
fact, it is not a number. Read that section.
On Sun, 22 Jun 1997 20:17:55 MSD "BJ Neilsen" <>
>I need help to check whether the HAND modifier key has been pressed.
>Testing the address for the modifier status flags only works when
>another key has been pressed, but I need to know if _JUST_ the HAND
>modifier key has been pressed. It's important! It's the natural
>button for my game, and I must know how to scan for the HAND key.
>Any help is much appreciated.
>(P.S. I did check PORTS.TXT, so you don't need to mention that)
>Geocities Silicon Valley Community Leader