Re: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES ***
Re: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES ****
Ok, here we go:
Dc.w $????
The Dc thing means Declare, and the .w means word in ohter "words":
Declare word $????
It writes the number directly into your program at the point where the
instruction is located.
You can write text using the dc.b command:
Dc.b "My First Fargo Program..."
Hope that helps a little
Michael Wulff Nielsen
> ok I don't know 68k ASM but im trying to learn it (arn't we all) but
> here is my question.... what exactly does dc.w do and what does it
> mean.. also are there any variations of that command (like dc.x or
> somthing?) David Lee