Re: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES *
Re: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES ****
>There ARE RAW-converters for the PC as well.. I think Alchemy can produce
>something like a RAW-image... And a program called bin2obj as well.
>When you have the picture in rawformat, you just have to convert it to
>dc.w statements (since A68k does not support the INCBIN directive) and
>include it in the sourcecode.
>//Sasq (Jonas Minnberg)
ok I don't know 68k ASM but im trying to learn it (arn't we all)
but here is my question.... what exactly does dc.w do and what does it
mean.. also are there any variations of that command (like dc.x or somthing?)
David Lee