Re: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES
Re: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES ****
At 04:07 PM 12/4/96 -0600, you wrote:
>>There ARE RAW-converters for the PC as well.. I think Alchemy can produce
>>something like a RAW-image... And a program called bin2obj as well.
>>When you have the picture in rawformat, you just have to convert it to
>>dc.w statements (since A68k does not support the INCBIN directive) and
>>include it in the sourcecode.
>>//Sasq (Jonas Minnberg)
>ok I don't know 68k ASM but im trying to learn it (arn't we all)
>but here is my question.... what exactly does dc.w do and what does it
>mean.. also are there any variations of that command (like dc.x or somthing?)
>David Lee
You use them when putting in strings or whatever. The variations are:
(I think)