LF: ASM & using TI variables.


LF: ASM & using TI variables.

Stilling digging, trying to figure out the memory structures for handles and
variables... A few things i've found:

- The first word pointed to by a handle, contains the size of the following
memory block in BYTES;  the Fargo documentation states WORDS.

- $DC (or maybe $00DC, don't recall.) terminates a program variable.
- $2D terminates the meory block of a string variable.

- The handle $000C points to the structure containing info about the folder
"main" (as stated in the Fargo info)
Looking at this memory block...  

00-01 Always seems to contatin $0014??
02-03 Number of files in folder "main"

Follwed by 12 bytes for each file:

04-0B The name of the file.  (8 chars)
0C-0D (Don't know;  but just occured to me that this might be the "lock" flag?)
0E-0F The HANDLE of the file.

10-...   repeated for each file.

Now,  I'd like to know, how to safely and easily link additional varibles 
to this structure.  i.e save TI variables.

Can anyone add to this info???  


Steven Massey
