[A89] Re: more questions (return value)
[A89] Re: more questions (return value)
/* Support for RETURN_VALUE */
move.l (%sp)+,%a0
cmpi.w #0x21EE,(%a0)
bne.s __A2
addq.l #2,%a0
jmp (%a0,4)
OK, this is a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY dirty hack in the
TIGCC lib code. OK, the move.l (%sp)+,%a0 pops the
return address off the stack. Then, it compares it
with 0x21EE. If it is, then it adds 6 bytes to the
return address, otherwise it just adds 4 and jumps to
the address. What it does is is bypass the AMS code to
restore the estack to its value before running the program.
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