[A89] more questions (return value)


[A89] more questions (return value)

thanks to all of you who answered my questions. Now finally i got my 
program running!!
Now I want to return a list, instead of just display it on the 
screen. I made the same version of my program in C, with a return 
value, and this is the code when I disassemble it:

   /* Support for RETURN_VALUE */
   move.l (%sp)+,%a0
   cmpi.w #0x21EE,(%a0)
   bne.s __A2
   addq.l #2,%a0
   jmp (%a0,4)
   .xdef __save__sp__
   .long 0

can someone explain me this? I don't like to do things just becouse.
PS: is there any place where I can find some info on returning values 
from an asm program?
