[A89] OS install


[A89] OS install

I was uploading the AMS to a friend's calc when my batteries cut out and the calc turned off (old
alkaline rechargeables that don't hold the charge).  Their calc now has no OS.  I tried with fresh
batteries to put an OS on it (push I to install).  The calc will not acknowledge the transmission;
it just sits there saying "Waiting to Receive"  Eventually my calc times out and gives a link
transmission error.  At the instant this happens, the "waiting to receive" message blinks.  The
same thing happened when trying using another friend's calc instead of mine.  I have tried
resetting my calc in case any TSRs or anything like that had messed it up.  If anyone has any
advice, it would be great; she's not exactly happy to have a non-functioning 89.


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