[A89] Re: A Night's Pondering...


[A89] Re: A Night's Pondering...

> >
> > News for you: the DMG/CGB versions of all of those games are well over
> 16k.
> > If the games were so simplistic that they fit in a few k, then they
> wouldn't
> > sell, which is why you don't see the generic arcade clones on the
> > but instead all kinds of enhanced versions.
> this is one of those sad times when someone on the list has to be so
> blatantly rude to another for saying something that another doesnt agree
> with or thinks that what they have to say is stupid. i dont believe this
> list is to disgrace people that are just trying to share they thoughts. i
> bow down in your o so godlike presence on the list

I have to agree, Scott, your arrogance is annoying at best.  I would say the
same about Nick Disabato if he could hear me (who knows, maybe he can).

Glenn Murphy

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