[A89] Re: A Night's Pondering...
[A89] Re: A Night's Pondering...
actually you can put anything on the end as long as it makes the rom a
multiple of 16k.
> > as a mentioned before the smallest cart is 16k but that is padded with
> Actually, they're padded with the opcode for nop.
i was referring to the original gameboy because thats what we were
discussing not the color gameboy which is totally different
> News for you: the DMG/CGB versions of all of those games are well over
> If the games were so simplistic that they fit in a few k, then they
> sell, which is why you don't see the generic arcade clones on the gameboy,
> but instead all kinds of enhanced versions.
this is one of those sad times when someone on the list has to be so
blatantly rude to another for saying something that another doesnt agree
with or thinks that what they have to say is stupid. i dont believe this
list is to disgrace people that are just trying to share they thoughts. i
bow down in your o so godlike presence on the list
> What you're trying to tell us is equivalent to a first-grader saying that
> because we can go to the moon, we can go to Alpha Centauri. The first
> grader doesn't know much about how space flight works; you don't appear to
> know much about how emulation works. The gameboy is much more powerful
> a ZX Spectrum; a ship capable of transporting man to alpha centauri would
> much more powerful than one to take us to the moon. And even at the most
> visible level, there are obvious incompatibilities: the Apollos'
> system would obviously be different from one that could travel to another
> solar system, and the gameboy's display model is completely different from
> the calculators' displays.
> I reeeealy don't want to waste my time explaining all the reasons why it
> can't be done, which is why I was hoping a simple "No" would have
> Apparently not. You can keep trying to tell us it's possible if you like;
> but it's not, and it won't be done. If you're really so sure it can be
> done, then go do it.