Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Napster isn't going to win
Umm, how was AOL one of the first? Earthlink, GTE, pacbell,
Mindspring, even rinky-dink ISPs in Delphos, Ohio had flat rates.
Yes, I have used mozilla, it's interface makes me want to cry.
AOL does NOT support PPP at all!
(the main reason it is evil)
>Have you even used mozilla? It's no joke. I can't wait
>till it finally comes out of beta. AOL was one of the first
>ISP's to go to a flat rate. AOL forced hundreds of
>smaller local ISP's to go to a flat rate just to compete.
>And AOL costs more because they do so much more
>than just PPP for Normal users. Your last two
>examples are support for my side of the argument,
>not yours. They were forced to make those changes
>due to extreme legal pressure from another large
>consumer-hating price-inflating monopoly. The RIAA.
>Let's see if they come back when Napster's victory is