Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
From: "Michael Cowart" <>
> Microsoft is not the demon that many people seem to think it is. Win ME
> worked wonderfully for me (have had it over a week, and no crashes). That
> doesn't sound like long, but 98 crashed on me at least twice a day. Win2k
> even better (if you want to run old stuff, make your machine dual boot).
wow, thats great. my linux box has crashed once (1) the last 6 months. And
that is because it looks like this: and I happened to touch it :)
Has always 100% cpu load since I run seti@home on it.
But yes. The right OS on the right place is the thing. The computer I use as
workstation runs w2k since I have some programs that need windows to run,
and I don't want to spend hours and days just configuring my desktop before
it gets usable. And I'm kind of used to the windows desktop.
Spends about 50% of my time in xterms running on my linux box though (but
showing on my windows box)
The best from two worlds.. why choose when you can have both.
A bad thing with MS Windows is that it actually cost money. (you don't
pirate do you? :)
Linux doesn't.
> Linux is overly complicated (for the average user, at least), and has
> virtually no hardware support. Most of the time (even with 98) I would
> a card in, and voila! it worked. The open source nature of Linux is nice,
> but not nice enough to overcome it's current problems.
more and more hardware providers provide drivers for linux too. Thats good.
That was the main reason there was so little hardware support. All drivers
had to be made by happy home hackers.
Linux isn't for the average user, so it is ok that it is too complicated for
them :)
The right OS on the right place...
> To all those people who think Bill Gates is satan, BITE ME! He wouldn't be
> billionaire if his product sucked as much as the MacHeads and LinuxHeads
> offense intended) say it does. To people who whine about Microsoft running
> them out of business, SHUT UP! Make a better product, and it will sell. He
> started off in a garage, now he's a billionaire. Be jealous all you want,
> but don't whine to the government about it.
Hmm. He isn't a billionaire because his product is good, but because he is a
good buisnessman, and that he had virtual monopol on the market for very
long. Anyone trying to stick up? no problem, just buy them...
But with NT and w2k, windows is actually starting to look like a real OS and
not just some bloated bootloader :)
I like and have use for both windows and linux and run them both.
And yes, there is no need to war. Use what the f*k you want, and if anyone
has a problem with that, f*k em. (applies to both linux, windows, macos,
amigaos, beos, TOS or whatever users)
"My OS/computer/father/penis is much better then yours"-discussions is just
so stupid.