A89: Re: Doors Libraries/Header files for TIGCC also mlink


A89: Re: Doors Libraries/Header files for TIGCC also mlink


> I was just wondering if anyone has released any header files
> that call different doors libraries?

I can do this, and I planed to do this, but I changed my mind.
Why? See, I don't want to make using Doors libraries easy in C
programs, because it will cause an increasing of library-depending
programs. And this is just what I don't want. 

> I'm mainly interested in ziplib.

Note that the compression algorithm used in TIGCC Tools Suite by
Thomas Nussbaumer has much better factor of compression than one
used in ziplib, so I suggest to you usage of Thomas's compression

> also is there a way to get the source code that is produced
> during a compile? I would like to take a look at it for some of
> my programs and see what I can do to it to help it along a little.

Put switch -S. Then, the compilation will stop before the assembling
phase, and a file with extension .s will be created (it contains
the ASM source code). Note however that it uses GNU ASM syntax (more
about this in TIGCC doc).

Zeljko Juric
