A89: Re: Re: AMS 2.04


A89: Re: Re: AMS 2.04


> TI has changed the VAT, again :(

What do you mean exactly when you say "changed the VAT"? The
organization of VAT table, or handles to VAT entries? TI
never changed the VAT itself, so I believe that the answer
is second one (but this is not changing the VAT). If the
answer is really "handles" I must repeat again and again: 
don't assume that you know handles of VAT entries in advance.
Usage of FolderListHandle etc. is ILLEGAL. Use only LEGAL 
TIOS CALLS for accessing the VAT!!!

And, it seems that programs compiled with TIGCC (even those
which access intensively to VAT) works (like TI-Chess)...

Zeljko Juric
