A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #864


A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #864

I politely ask that whoever is using HTML e-mail to stop sending it.  I
*really* do not want to start a flame war, but as a subscriber to the
digest version, and I have to sift through all the HTML.  My mail reader
has nothing to do with this because mailreaders do not sift through
messages for HTML, so even if I was using a higher quality mailreader
(which I can't for various reasons) it would still be a problem.  Below
just is a very small portion of all the HTML I received, so please don't
think that I am nitpicking.  This message is so long because I want to
try to deal with the various replies I might receive because of
misunderstanding, and I wouldn't bring this issue up if I wasn't annoyed.


> - ------ =_NextPart_001_01BF5EE8.E2C4A310
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