Re: A89: Me distributing roms


Re: A89: Me distributing roms

Look, no matter how you try to reason this out, the law is the law and
the law says you *can't* distribute someone elses software freely without
their permission.  It doesn't matter if it happens through the internet,
on floppy disks, or another way.  Disclaimers are meaningless, they are
only a statement.  They can prosecute anyone who illegaly distributes
software without the authors permission


> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:40:38 -0800
> From: "Serial" <>
> Subject: Re: A89: Me distributing roms.
> see the thing is. The internet is public domain. It's precisly the 
> opposite
> on the internet. If someone doesn't say it's private then it's not. 
> Unlike
> say the Owner of the lawnmower saying it is free and you can take it 
> because
> of that and if it's on his lawn and you take it without him knowing 
> it's
> thieft, on the internet if it's on his lawn it's automatically free. 
> He
> would have to put a sign up saying do not take and while maybe a 
> case could
> be formed against someone who did it'd never get prosecuted. The 
> internet
> has over 400 million people that pass through it in a single day, 
> the law on
> a public network is not only free is that which you can attain but 
> even
> extends to free is that which you can attain from sources other than 
> its
> distrobutor. You'll notice that precisly for reasons such as this 
> adobe
> doesn't offer a download of it on their site. (Trialware maybe?) If 
> they did
> no words other than not being there in the first place are 
> equivalent to do
> not touch.

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