A89: Re: Re: Re: Re: CORRECTION: Shift+ON
A89: Re: Re: Re: Re: CORRECTION: Shift+ON
> Thanks: I just received a call from TI. But I am afraid about
> one thing: their SDK will obviously be a supplement to TIGCC,
> not a replacement for it. The contract which I must sign to
> become a tester will probably force me to stop developing
> TIGCCLIB, because TIGCC is a concurence to their SDK. This is
> not good. At the moment, TIGCCLIB 2.1 is a bit buggy, so I
> need to prepare TIGCCLIB 2.2 with some bugfixes. But I am
> afraid that it will be illegal.
I'm under the impression that you're not going to find out too many more
useful functions yourslef without the SDK - even searching through the ROM
Call table isn't going to help you figure our what some of the more
confusing functions do (I know you had those problems with is_symmetric()).
My SDK license says that I can't say anything until TI releases the material
publically, which, if they use 90 days of alpha testing and 90 days of beta
testing (the 83+ SDK beta was 90 days, which is where that number comes
from), is maybe 5 months down the road.
Why not release TIGCCLIB 2.2 just before you accept the offer, and then a
couple months later you can release a completely redone TIGCCLIB 3.0?
If you're still not interested, I can wait until you release 2.2 and start
work on an extended branch either by myself or in conjunction with other
testers, and present the modifications to you when the SDK is publically