A89: AMS (2.03) rom entry points


A89: AMS (2.03) rom entry points

To everyone who is working on understanding AMS while we're waiting for that
bl***y SDK from TI,

There's a snapshot of my current work with AMS 2.03 at
http://m101.ryd.student.liu.se/romcalls.txt  (28 956 bytes, ~500 lines).
(The URL *is* subject to change, but not for a couple of days. If anyone
cares, I will update the file once a week (and probably provide diff files

The file is NOT meant to be a complete document readable and easy understood
by everyone, but I do hope that someone (another ``ROM hacker'') will find
it useful for their own work and/or is willing to actually TEST functions in
an emulator and report to me about it. Please find SOME use of it!  :)

The file contains an extract (the part with the new 2.xx functions) from my
disassembly database of 2.03. Here's an example: (sorry for the long lines)

0027AEB2	dc.l fopen	; (char *name,FILE *,short state,char *type)  - ret `short result'
0027AEB2			; state: 0: 1:?don't create 2:create new file 3:keep old, append-mode 4:read-only ???
0027AEB6	dc.l fputc	; (char,FILE *)
0027AEBA	dc.l fread	; (char *dest,short count,FILE *)

The comments are, obviously, not complete, but they show what I know about
the function (or at least what I don't want to look up every time I see it
being used in the ROM). Many comments will not make any sense to anyone but
me (but who cares). Further, knowledge in C and 68000 asm is more or less
required (I used to have LISP code in there too :) ). The function names
are also subject to change and many of them have already changed several
times. If you have any better ideas for function names, please tell me.

Feel free to ask specific questions about AMS (both the old (1.xx
compatible) and the new 2.xx parts), about my file or in general what the
hell this is all about, by mailing me or this list (blah blah).

Uhm.. maybe someone thinks that hacking 2.03 is a complete waste of time...
well, save some time and learn everything *now*, be ahead of everyone else
when the SDK is released...  :)

All right, I'll shut up now. Maybe even get some sleep.