A89: Re: Re: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
A89: Re: Re: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
hey man, thanks :) this is great.
so is there anything bad about ams 2.03?
i guess ill keep my HW1 and grab ams 2.03 then :D also maxmem. i guess ill
try teos also, since the calc crashes often, and keep a backup of some of my
favorite games and the shell on my calc in archive memory incase of a crash.
thanks :) it was all very helpful.
Garry Hatch
-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Corral <juancorral@lvcm.com>
To: assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 3:02 PM
Subject: A89: Re: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
>You should upgrade to HW 2 if you want to play that ZX Spectrum emulator,
>lots of BASIC games, or you do heavy math calculations. Other wise, just
>keep your HW 1 calc, upgrade it to AMS 2.03 (this is the new Operating
>System that came out recently, and you will probably need to upgrade your
>Graphlink software as well. I have listed two urls from where you can
>download that software), and then run MaxMem 1.0 (this will patch your ROM
>(AMS 2.03 only) to allow you to use all of your FlashROM as Archive
>As for the current "kernel wars" well DoorsOS II 0.96 is very good and has
>new Doors-Explorer (2.01, I think), there is also Universal OS, which is
>very DoorsOS II compatible as well as having some very nice features (for
>example, if your calculator crashes, which it will, it gives you the option
>to Reset (and keep your archives intact thanks to AMS 2.03), shut the calc
>down (I guess so that you can get to another calc, or your computer ans do
>the next option, Send All Vars (this works with other 89's, I'm not sure
>about 92+'s tho :(, and VTI. This is a really nice feature of "UOS." And
>then there is my favorite kernel, TEOS. TEOS is the open source
>to DoorsOS II. It has new libraries (except for Ziplib, and Filelib) which
>have been re-written for optimal speed. TEOS also allows you to keep all
>your variables archived (so that the AMS 2.03 can recover your memory, if a
>crash happens). Also Rusty Wagner released the long awaited VTI v2.5 Beta
>5, which supports every calc, and TI-89/92+ AMS 2.03.
>Wow that was alot of information, I hope you were able to keep up :)
>Now for some links:
> DoorsOS II 0.96: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/shells/doorsosd.zip
> Universal OS 1.10: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/shells/unios.zip
> TEOS 1.02: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/shells/teos.zip
>TI-89 Misc.
> AMS 2.03: http://www.ti.com/calc/flash/dl/ti89base.exe
> MaxMem 1.00: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/programs/maxmem.zip
>Computer (PC) Programs
> Graphlink Software v2.0:
> VTI v2.5 Beta 5:
>I didn't touch on the AMS 2.03 installation with the new Graphlink software
>on the information, so I will do that here:
>1. Unzip the AMS 2.03 Basecode somewhere (should be *.89u file), lets
>"C:\TI89" for this example.
>2. Start the graphlink software (make sure you have connected the TI-89
>3. Goto the "Link" menu, select the "Send Flash Software" option, then
>"Operating System."
>4. With the graphlink file manager find the *.89u file.
>5. Select it, and read the License Agreement, select yes
>6. Wait the 15-30 Minutes for it to send.
>7. Congratulations, you just upgraded your calc :)
>If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask :)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Alloy Gaming
>> To: assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:01 PM
>> Subject: A89: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
>> ahh, i see... so would you say i should upgrade to hw2? also, whats ams
>2.03? (again, stupid questions, but i have been away a > long time...)
>> also, with hw2, since im learning assembly, does the stuff i learned
>apply? i.e. grayscale... i dont want to upgrade my calc
>> just to see if it will work and all.
>> and what OS should i use now... is doors still the best one? or that new
>one? teos i think it is...
>> Regards,
>> Garry Hatch