A89: Re: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
A89: Re: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
You should upgrade to HW 2 if you want to play that ZX Spectrum emulator,
lots of BASIC games, or you do heavy math calculations. Other wise, just
keep your HW 1 calc, upgrade it to AMS 2.03 (this is the new Operating
System that came out recently, and you will probably need to upgrade your
Graphlink software as well. I have listed two urls from where you can
download that software), and then run MaxMem 1.0 (this will patch your ROM
(AMS 2.03 only) to allow you to use all of your FlashROM as Archive Memory).
As for the current "kernel wars" well DoorsOS II 0.96 is very good and has a
new Doors-Explorer (2.01, I think), there is also Universal OS, which is
very DoorsOS II compatible as well as having some very nice features (for
example, if your calculator crashes, which it will, it gives you the option
to Reset (and keep your archives intact thanks to AMS 2.03), shut the calc
down (I guess so that you can get to another calc, or your computer ans do
the next option, Send All Vars (this works with other 89's, I'm not sure
about 92+'s tho :(, and VTI. This is a really nice feature of "UOS." And
then there is my favorite kernel, TEOS. TEOS is the open source alternative
to DoorsOS II. It has new libraries (except for Ziplib, and Filelib) which
have been re-written for optimal speed. TEOS also allows you to keep all of
your variables archived (so that the AMS 2.03 can recover your memory, if a
crash happens). Also Rusty Wagner released the long awaited VTI v2.5 Beta
5, which supports every calc, and TI-89/92+ AMS 2.03.
Wow that was alot of information, I hope you were able to keep up :)
Now for some links:
DoorsOS II 0.96: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/shells/doorsosd.zip
Universal OS 1.10: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/shells/unios.zip
TEOS 1.02: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/shells/teos.zip
TI-89 Misc.
AMS 2.03: http://www.ti.com/calc/flash/dl/ti89base.exe
MaxMem 1.00: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/programs/maxmem.zip
Computer (PC) Programs
Graphlink Software v2.0:
VTI v2.5 Beta 5:
I didn't touch on the AMS 2.03 installation with the new Graphlink software
on the information, so I will do that here:
1. Unzip the AMS 2.03 Basecode somewhere (should be *.89u file), lets say
"C:\TI89" for this example.
2. Start the graphlink software (make sure you have connected the TI-89
3. Goto the "Link" menu, select the "Send Flash Software" option, then
"Operating System."
4. With the graphlink file manager find the *.89u file.
5. Select it, and read the License Agreement, select yes
6. Wait the 15-30 Minutes for it to send.
7. Congratulations, you just upgraded your calc :)
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Alloy Gaming
> To: assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:01 PM
> Subject: A89: Re: Re: difference between hw1 and hw2
> ahh, i see... so would you say i should upgrade to hw2? also, whats ams
2.03? (again, stupid questions, but i have been away a > long time...)
> also, with hw2, since im learning assembly, does the stuff i learned still
apply? i.e. grayscale... i dont want to upgrade my calc
> just to see if it will work and all.
> and what OS should i use now... is doors still the best one? or that new
one? teos i think it is...
> Regards,
> Garry Hatch