Re: A89: ti89 c programming in linux
Re: A89: ti89 c programming in linux
On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 17:49:35 Henri Moilanen wrote:
> Hey, I hear demand! I'll try to post my TI-GCC's port for Linux today to
> ticalc. I've been lazy with it (I did the job about a month ago, but I
> thought writing the neccessary docs would be too much trouble so I left
> it... I have now written a bit of documentation and I'll now need to package
> it... That's a big job! What kind of paper I should use? ;-)
> A few facts of TI-GCC for Linux. It uses GCC 2.95.2 - that is a more recent
> version of GCC than TI-GCC's, and I'm childlishly proud of it! :-) And, hmm,
> I can't think of any other fact...
> I used TI-GCClib's version 1.0 (I think) to create a little program which
> uses menus. It worked, and I thought it as enough proof. I'll try to include
> that program with my package.
> Henri Moilanen
> PS. I'll get down to the business now.
Hey great:-)
What are the actual differences between ti-gcc and plain gcc as an m68k cross
compiler? Also, will I need/does it include cross compiled binutils (i.e. linker,
assembler etc.)?
Leonard Stiles <>