Re: A89: ti89 c programming in linux
Re: A89: ti89 c programming in linux
On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 03:10:31PM +0200, Leonard Stiles wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm fairly new to ti calculators and am interested in programming my ti89 in C.
> Most people seem to be using TI-GCC, which appears to be a modified version of
> GCC built as a m68k cross compiler for windows. If I'm not mistaken then
> ti-gcc-lib is the standard c library which is used with this setup.
> I use linux, and I wanted to know if anybody had compiled ti-gcc for and was
> using it in linux. The other alternative, i suppose, would be to build gcc as an
> m68k cross compiler myself. Has anybody tried doing this? If so, which C library
> are you using?
> --
> Leonard Stiles <>
Hey, I hear demand! I'll try to post my TI-GCC's port for Linux today to
ticalc. I've been lazy with it (I did the job about a month ago, but I
thought writing the neccessary docs would be too much trouble so I left
it... I have now written a bit of documentation and I'll now need to package
it... That's a big job! What kind of paper I should use? ;-)
A few facts of TI-GCC for Linux. It uses GCC 2.95.2 - that is a more recent
version of GCC than TI-GCC's, and I'm childlishly proud of it! :-) And, hmm,
I can't think of any other fact...
I used TI-GCClib's version 1.0 (I think) to create a little program which
uses menus. It worked, and I thought it as enough proof. I'll try to include
that program with my package.
Henri Moilanen
PS. I'll get down to the business now.