A89: Re: Hardware 2.00/ROM 1.05 (was Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #775)
A89: Re: Hardware 2.00/ROM 1.05 (was Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #775)
>What I think your problem is that you are trying to send versions of ASM
>programs that are not patched for ROM 1.05. What TI did was change where
>the keypresses were stored in the RAM on version 1.05. So the old
>versions of ASM progs you're sending him expect the getkey to be in the
>old possition, so they never get the actual keypress. I don't think
>there is anything you can really do about it unless you want to run the
>patch utility on each of the programs on your computer just so they'll
>work on his calc. I suggest you downgrade his ROM the way it is said
Believe me, I know what I'm talking about here =) The ROM v1.05 problem
consists of the change in the locations of tios::kb_vars and
tios::MaxHandles and a minor conflict in graphlib which I've discussed with
Xavier. Two weeks ago, a NEW VERSION of the 89 - labeled Hardware Version
2.00 on the about screen - started appearing; I've seen two of these and
fooled with them a bit today. They have some changes in addition to the
fact that it comes installed with AMS (ROM) v1.05 preinstalled; I've tried
to reach some ACZ contacts in TI about it and the 1-800-TI-CARES tech
support said it was memory-related (well THAT'S broad).
The most obvious differences are that any attempt to send ROM v1.00 to a new
89 - from a PC OR another calc - is rejected by the new 89s with an "illegal
checksum" error. Any non-Final Beta version of Doors and certain greyscale
games (SMQ and Phoenix in particular) fail to run properly, even when
patched - and both of those games read the keyboard directly from the port
so the ROM version should have no effect. The calcs ARE different. . .
And PLEASE, when replying to the list, change the subject from the standard
"Assembly-89 Digest V1 #xxxxxx" to "Re: [message subject]"
-Scott Noveck
ACZ Member