RE: A89: Phoenix/SMQ/ROM 1.05
RE: A89: Phoenix/SMQ/ROM 1.05
how did you upgrade rom versions? the au2.00 sendsomethingorother? how
was the calc setuped? what printer port was it hooked up to? was the lines
inverted? please tell me.
At 07:05 PM 10/1/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Ok. Let me make myself completely clear
>I have 3 calcs total.
> 1. Mine ----, Bought in June 99, Originally with ROM 1.00, upgraded to
>1.05, Does NOT display Hardware Version 2.00. Works fine with Phoenix and
> BTW- I accidentally deleted the ROM version 1.00 off my computer. I need a
>copy to try and downgrade again.
> 2 & 3. My friend's ------, Bought about a week ago. Came displaying
>Hardware Version 2.00 and ROM 1.05. I _tried_ downgrading the ROM, and the
>calcs didn't like it (I have a parallell cable and was using Archive
>utility. SMQ appears like B&W. Phoenix is ridculously slow. the Gray*lib
>test programs don't work. (Which you explained why)
>What I'm thinking is that the ones that say Hardware version 2.00 _cannot_
>be downgraded. The ones that say that were preloaded with ROM 1.05
>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Scott Noveck
>Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 4:29 PM
>Subject: A89: Phoenix/SMQ/ROM 1.05
>To address the recent posts about phoenix and SMQ on the new 89s -- try
>downgrading to ROM 1.00 and you should be fine. This is NOT hardware
>related! The problem is that the Graphlib greyscale routine stores itself
>in interrupt 1 -- but with interrupt 1 disabled the TIOS key reading
>routines (like those used in TI-BASIC and userlib::idle_loop) will not work.
>Graphlib solves this problem by automatically calling the TIOS routines
>right after switching the screen. This is fine in ROM 1.00; however, ROM
>1.05 features a slower tios key-reading routine. This slows down the
>greyscale too much, causing the greyscale appearance to fail and the games
>to run slower.
>I recommend that you go back to ROM 1.00 unless you need 1.05's faster
>integration. The benefits of 1.05 are too much of a hassle with ASM
>programs; wait for ROM 2.00 instead. FYI, you could also run SMQ in black
>and white mode.
> -Scott
-Rob Smith
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