RE: A89: Phoenix/SMQ/ROM 1.05


RE: A89: Phoenix/SMQ/ROM 1.05

Ok. Let me make myself completely clear
I have 3 calcs total.

	1. Mine ----, Bought in June 99, Originally with ROM 1.00, upgraded to
1.05, Does NOT display Hardware Version 2.00. Works fine with Phoenix and
 BTW- I accidentally deleted the ROM version 1.00 off my computer. I need a
copy to try and downgrade again.

	2 & 3.  My friend's ------, Bought about a week ago. Came displaying
Hardware Version 2.00 and ROM 1.05. I _tried_ downgrading the ROM, and the
calcs didn't like it (I have a parallell cable and was using Archive
utility. SMQ appears like B&W. Phoenix is ridculously slow. the Gray*lib
test programs don't work. (Which you explained why)

What I'm thinking is that the ones that say Hardware version 2.00 _cannot_
be downgraded. The ones that say that were preloaded with ROM 1.05


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Scott Noveck
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 4:29 PM
Subject: A89: Phoenix/SMQ/ROM 1.05

To address the recent posts about phoenix and SMQ on the new 89s -- try
downgrading to ROM 1.00 and you should be fine.  This is NOT hardware
related!  The problem is that the Graphlib greyscale routine stores itself
in interrupt 1 -- but with interrupt 1 disabled the TIOS key reading
routines (like those used in TI-BASIC and userlib::idle_loop) will not work.
Graphlib solves this problem by automatically calling the TIOS routines
right after switching the screen.  This is fine in ROM 1.00; however, ROM
1.05 features a slower tios key-reading routine.  This slows down the
greyscale too much, causing the greyscale appearance to fail and the games
to run slower.

I recommend that you go back to ROM 1.00 unless you need 1.05's faster
integration.  The benefits of 1.05 are too much of a hassle with ASM
programs; wait for ROM 2.00 instead.  FYI, you could also run SMQ in black
and white mode.


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