RE: A89: LinuxTI & Memory Expander
RE: A89: LinuxTI & Memory Expander
Although C is a very nice language, it is still bloated, and slow compaired
to straight assembly. Example, our 89 with a 10mhz 32bit 68k processor is
quite a bit slower then the hp49's 4mhz 4bit Saturn. Why? HP wrote their
ROM completely in asm. Also it is quite a bit smaller.
But rewriting the all math functions in asm? That is a job no-one wants.
As a side note, their is no, and I mean no way we can 'break' TI encryption.
512bit!! I was looking at an RSA site, and they have had roughly 40000
users (many with multiple machines) working on brute forcing their way
through _only_ a 64bit encryption for almost 2 years! And it is only about
15% done!!!
Josh Cunningham
>- We may not even be able to get it up and running with/without ditching
>(Response) This is just my opinion, but TI-OS could go. We run into
>problems here if we want to let people run it as a program. Perhaps we
>could make it work - somehow convert it to a linux capable program, but
>I doubt that. It might be easier to make our own program, but TI has
>done a good job making all these math functions. This is the only issue
>I really see a problem on
>- We will have to be able to have a BASIC programming language,
>otherwise non
>ASM people can't contribute
>(Response) One word: PERL
>- More likely than not, we will have to rewrite any software to include
>scale, floating point, and black and white (sigh), as well as, the link
>odd networking hardware (Mark, maybe you could make some Networking
>too?) as well as stuff i wont argue about (like the ROM, i enjoy
>about it from you guys rather than explain it:-)
>(Response) This is done in the libraries, and would be essential to the
>OS. While this isn't negating your point, its just gonna have to be and
>has already been talked about I believe. I believe there are simple
>network adapters that you can plug into a serial port, but not sure,
>this is kinda a big if. Depends on the port speed. If not you'd have
>to hook directly into the calc which isn't quite an easy way to do it.
>- We need to create drivers and such for our keyboards and link ports
>LCDs (not a big problem i dont think)
>(Response) You're right, not a problem compared to porting to OS in the
>first place. Don't know about LCD's though
>- Other calculators will want this Linux TI for Z80 - could we write
>ROMs for
>that? I'm thinking not.
>(Response) I believe TI-89 could be fairly easily ported to due to its
>being nearly the same calc, but others are out of luck. This would
>generate want for the ti-89 and 92 (I prefer 89 though)
>- EXTENSIVE bug testing...of course this is the ROM and shouldn't be
>but then did we get it on there (talking from the future :-)
>(Response) This is involved with creating any OS. Big thing is to make
>sure our bootloader is perfect, I could put my rom back in, but I doubt
>most can normally, and its a pain in the A$$
>- Hmm, okay i didn't make it all the way to 10, but i don't want to diss
>project at all...nor do i want to waste valuable time (i still haven't
>any ASM programs :-(.
>(Response) This would be a very good project, and is probably doable,
>and I bet would get a lot of attention. I can see big things for it.
>Lets go onto the good points...
>- We have much respect for getting such a tremendous task completed
>- Every could learn about programming who would like to contribute
>- Our calculators aren't any longer "a waste of skin"...not that they
>are if
>you need it for math, but TI doesn't exactly push the hardware's
>too easy i guess...(let me know what you think, even though they are
>all flames :-)
>- Make this mother WORK!!! AHAHAHA!!! (excuse me)
>- Networking capabilties, with file sharing and permissions
>- Much better application development
>- The source code is freely free, if we all agree to this lets have it
>be a
>GNU program/OS
>- We could do plenty with the different memory types...the ROM is for
> The RAM is just that- the RAM, and the extension (hopefully we get
>one) is
>for programs, like a hard disk
>- Okay, this is very very long...(at least it looks like it) so ill sum
>it up
>I dont think it really likely to happen on this calc, but im not in the
>position to judge that yet...its real hard to say.
>Nothing has been done to work with the ROM except AU (archive utility)
>and im
>not sure if thats even ROM?
>Hopefully we DO get passed this issue...if not i have a back up plan!
>Perhaps there is some bug waiting to be found in the TI-OS that lets us
>straight to the processor (or am i living in the me out
>here, the
>TI OS handles the ASM and you can't directly program for the 68K...its
>or less programming for the TI-OS?, whatever any way what i was saying)
>we can comletly ingore, disable temperarly, whatever to the TI OS. Then
>can have the program be stored in RAM for the TI part of it, then Load
>self into the expansion, and whatnot...then go from there. (that was
>likely the stupidest sounding thing i have said...or maybe not :-)
>Well, I wish you all the best of luck and i hope this opens up to be a
>"hack" that TI wont be happy about, but we will be going around like
>with Linux on every thing we own...including our watches (yes im over
>exagerating...but you never know..they do run some smart VCRs)
>With any luck, we will be discussing this developement for a good long
>perhaps we should start our own list so the people that dont want to
>dont have to listen to our rambling (I feel like a spammer or something)
>i really hope to see every one in on this...after all, its our calcs,
>(Response) I could easily create a list - I work at an ISP and have
>access to any of this kind of stuff, and I'm sure would do it
>too, but we wouldn't have as much control of it.
>And if we get a large enough expansion...(im still not real certain on
>idea...its a great idea but i have a strange feeling that i can't
>understand...a bad feeling that this isn't going to work and we will be
>the the village idoits, but i wont care as long as we all try at
>really can't say at this point though) a few megs...5 or
>10...then we
>really could start something revolutionary here!!
>This has got me all revved up...and i hope it goes as well as i think it
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