A89: For people with non-TI m68k experience?? (linuxTI project)
A89: For people with non-TI m68k experience?? (linuxTI project)
I am trying to find out if there is anyone on this mailing list who has
experience with the m68k from other projects, and not just related to
the stupid calculator.
I get the feeling there are people on this list who have no concept of
what the Linux project is about. It isn't about turning a calculator
into a computer, it's about running the m68k version of Linux on a store
bought machine.
F*ck the fact that it was built as a calculator. It is a m68k based
computer. I could list a dozen other similarly equipped systems that
were on the desktop.
THink about it, when we were putting together our simple 68k based
systems a few (well more then that now) years ago, we would have given
an arm and a leg for this much RAM, or a prebuilt display and keyboard
with a BIOS to use it. My first system, and my first z80 machine had
toggle switches and blinky lights for I/O!