A89: GetKey()/Idleloop
A89: GetKey()/Idleloop
I need help for Mogsoft's Secret Button Version 1.1. This version, while not
only being correctly commented this time (possibly the most important part),
will work if you left the alpha key on, or decided to press 2nd or <> before
pressing the correct key. I used the following BASIC program to get the
Lbl x:getkey()->t:If t=0:Goto x:Disp t:DelVar t
(I typed it at the Home Screen...)
However, while the regular button works, the button combined with other
buttons doesn't. (It's not an F button, or one of the top six buttons beneath
the F buttons, and it's not any of the arrow keys, nor is it enter or on. That
takes care of the wierd keys. :) I have moved around where it checks to see if
the regular one works, and the program does the same thing. My conclusion is
that the numbers that I am using for 2nd/<>/alpha/ALPHA are incorrect. Is
there a list of them somewhere?
P.S. For you newbies- you may want to check out the source to version 1.0.
Just be wary about the macro in the beginning. Some of the comments are wrong,
but nothing major. 1.1 should come out soon. :)