A89: Fwd: ti-89 assembly information ever coming?


A89: Fwd: ti-89 assembly information ever coming?

maybe they'll come someday...

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Dear Jonah Cohen,

Thank you for your recent e-mail. We appreciate your support of our

At this time, the TI- 89 programming web site is not up yet.  Hopefully it
will be going on line shortly.  You may check back in three to four weeks
at our website at


When the website for the TI- 89 is brought on line, the information for
assembly language programming will be similar to that which is available
for the TI-83 on its website.

I hope this information proves itself useful to you. If you have any
further questions or comments please feel free to contact us at your
convenience. Please copy this message in your response and send directly to
ti-cares@ti.com for faster service.

Best Regards,

Flor De Maria Valle

Educational & Productivity Solutions
Customer Support Center                E-mail: ti-cares@ti.com
Texas Instruments
PO Box 650311 M/S 3962
Dallas, TX  75265                      (972)917-8324 (Technical Help)
                                       (800) 842-2737 (General Info)

========================= ORIGINAL MESSAGE ==========================

[ ComAsYuAre@aol.com on 1/22/99 7:08:56 PM ]

i was just wondering if you were planning on ever releasing the assembly
specifications for the ti-89.  it's not that i'm demanding them, i'm merely
inquiring. if you don't plan on ever releasing them, a simple notice that
aren't coming would be most appreciated.
thanks for your time and support,
-Jonah Cohen

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