Re: A89: getkey()?
Re: A89: getkey()?
i don't think that there is one. you can always edit the function in
idle_loop to take out the "idle loop" part. i think if you do that, it strips
it from like 20 lines to 1 line of code. a lot of it is APD stuff and there's
also an ST_busy command in there. here's a portion of code from Tetris89,
which I'm assuming is the all that is needed for the keyboard functions. i'm
not exactly sure how it works, which is also why i added it. could somebody
help me through the code, line by line?
movem.l d0-d1/a0,-(a7) ;stores registers in stack
lea keystat(PC),a0 ;loads relative address of keystat into a0
move.w #$FFFE,d0 ;what the? why? 65534?
moveq #9,d1 ;moves 9 into d1 for impending FOR...NEXT
move.w d0,$600018 ;move d0 into mem location $600018? what for?
nop ;buncha nop's. does it take that
move.b $60001B,(a0)+ ;move stuff at $60001B into keystat and shift a
nop ;buncha nop's. does it take that
rol.w #1,d0 ;rotate d0 one to the left. why?
dbra d1,GetKeys ;do this 10 times? why? there are only 7 bytes
in the keyboard map. in the last version it was 7 times, why 10 now?
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a0 ;restore registers